Tuesday, February 1, 2011

End of the Month

Yesterday was January 31st.  The last day of the month.  Meaning that I had to be out of the room I rent by midnight.  Well, sort of.  Midnight turned into this morning, which turned into 11:45 AM.  And now I'm homeless.  :(  This is not mitigated by the fact that I'm still sitting in my former living room, on the home-owner's couch, with my feet on the coffee table, writing this blog.  I did drive away at 11:45.  I packed the car, then ran some errands, went through the drive through at Culvers and ate in my car with the heat on while reading a book.  But then where was I supposed to go?  So I came back.   :)

This whole moving thing is for the birds.  And I should know.  I've had 9 apartments/dorms/rooms/living spaces in the past 10 years.  In college, what can you do?  They kick you out every year.  So there's 4.  In grad school, I actually managed to stay put the entire 2 years, which is apparently a real feat for me.  Then, I simultaneously moved all my things 1000 miles into "storage" (aka my parents garage), and moved myself and two suitcases to China.  We stayed in dorm rooms there too.  And many many many hotels and hostels.  So, that's 6.  And then I took my things out of "storage", and moved to Wisconsin.  Somehow I've managed to have 3 places here.  The first was a beautiful loft, but was really too expensive.  The second was the most gorgeous duplex, which was only half the price for me because there were three of us living there.  Our lease was up in December, and we were leaving in February.  So, for two months I signed a month-to-month lease in a house with four other guys, two cats, a ferret, and often a girlfriend or two or a couple of kids to keep things interesting.

Now, everything I own is piled to the ceiling in the basement.  It's a big basement, and my things are relegated to a corner of it.  A big corner, but there's still lots of room left over.  I thought it wouldn't be so bad this time, since I only needed to pack up one single room, as opposed to an entire apartment.  I never unpacked any of my kitchen stuff, my books, my pictures or decorations.  Just clothes mostly.  I sold my bed and bedroom furniture.  But, apparently when you have days and days and days to do something, the urge to procrastinate becomes overwhelming.  So, yesterday and today found me still spending hours and hours trucking things down to the basement and out to the car.  Such fun.

But it's done.  I'm packed, and my things are once again in "storage".  So I'm ready to head off into the wild blue yonder.  If only the weather would cooperate.

Tomorrow - Either we will hit the road, or we will stare sadly out the window at the blizzard that will be bringing us 20 inches of snow.  They've been wrong before.  :)

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