Tuesday, March 8, 2011

The morning of the Rodeo - 3/1/2011

No, wait.  Here's what happened.

So the night before the rodeo, Tricia asked what time we should get up.  We were in separate bedrooms, so she said she'd look on the internet at the times and wake me in the morning.  Later, in the pitch black, I hear her tiny whispered voice:  "Kat?  Kat?  We should go now.  There's a cutting event at 8.  It's 6:20.  Can you be ready in 5 minutes?  We can just go in our pajamas."  Now, I can always be ready in 5 minutes, but it was really early.  And dark.  And I was really sleepy.  And I did not wear my pajamas.  But Tricia did.  :)

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