In the morning we made Tricia’s favorite breakfast - ice cream sandwiches out of waffles. It was delicious. And the waffles keep your teeth from hurting when you bite into the ice cream. Just make sure to let the waffles cool off a bit after toasting them.
We hadn’t gotten up early enough to see Kathleen before she left, so we drove over to her work to say good-bye, and we got to see the cool collection of books at her office. There are books in Hebrew, Korean, Chinese, Japanese, Spanish, Russian, and British English. In Britain they reprint books so that the words are spelled right. Or “right”.

We needed to be in Maryland at a decent hour, so we got on the road at 9:30. We had barely gotten out of Greensboro when the sky let loose and rained down on our poor car. At least the thing is clean now. We only stopped once - for gas. The receipt at the Pilot had a coupon for 99 cent coffee, so we went inside and made ourselves each a cup. Of course we had the Mocha Cappuccinos, with extra hazelnut cream, and a “caffeine shot” with as much caffeine as a cup of coffee. Mm-mm good! The hot dogs were also 2 for $2.12, so Tricia got a jalapeño cheddar corn dog and I got a jalapeño cheddar hot dog. We loaded up on mustard, ketchup, onions, relish, and nacho cheese. And then I proceeded to drop mine on the floor. Which was sad. And then I had to start all over. L

It rained most of the rest of the drive, but miraculously stopped when we got to Maryland. We were staying with my friend Meredith from college and her husband, Kevin. We managed to get there by 4, so we all trooped down to a nearby lake to go for a walk before dinner. Of course we had to take the obligatory pictures pretending to fall in and climbing over a railing to stand on the outside of a bridge. The walk was about 3 miles around. After 6 weeks sitting in the car, we were pretty winded at the end. Apparently we should do more side-of-the-road yoga!
Meredith was cooking veggie burritos, which included soaking black beans in water for two hours. I was pretty impressed - I’m still microwaving my dinners or eating out. We munched on chocolates and made margaritas with red salt on the rims while the beans got tender. I usually don’t like lime margaritas at all, and only drink them frozen, but these were absolutely delicious!! Maybe it was the Jose Cuervo tequila. Or the salt. Or the margarita glasses with the cute wine charms. J We enjoyed chips and guacamole and burritos with chicken, beans, cilantro, lime, rice, cheese, and salsa. I should really learn how to cook!
We all sat up chatting and drinking tea and coffee until it was late. And once again Tricia and I didn't blog. And thus, as always, our blog was a week behind. :)
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