More boat pics! |
Although we were exhausted from our long day at the rodeo, we tried to get up in time to see Marlon and Christie before they left for work, but we didn’t quite make it. So, we went back to bed for a bit, and then got up and showered and got ready for our day. We made ourselves the very last of our oatmeal with brown sugar and walnuts and then headed out. We had RSVPed for a free boating tour along the Houston Channel, and needed to be there between 9:30 and 9:45 to check in. We left before 9, and it was about a half hour drive, so we figured there would be no problem. And then we got off the highway. And then we drove around in a circle. And then we got back on the highway. And then we made an illegal U-turn and went back to where we had been, and went around in another circle. And then we got on a different highway. And then we made another illegal U-turn. And then, I swear, we ended up at an intersection where both directions were one way the wrong way. I could either turn right, which would be driving the wrong way, or turn around and go down the one way I’d just come up. I turned right. And then we asked for directions from a road worker. And then we ignored the directions (they were really, really wrong - and besides, we’d already tried that highway). And then we turned a corner, and, lo and behold, there was the port authority.
And then the lady needed to see both of our ID’s before we could drive into the port authority. She also asked if we were the only 2 in the car (in her defense - it is hard to tell). And then, very late, we arrived at the harbor. And even though we were supposed to “check in” and even though we had to RSVP 24 hours in advance…….there was no one there to check us in. But there were other people, so we milled around with them until 10 when the boat captain showed up and ushered us onto the boat.
Once on the boat we had all the other passengers laughing at our antics, as we stretched out on the seats like goddesses and spun the chairs around. We even had another passenger take our picture and then proceeded to row a boat in the painting on the wall. As always, we are the entertainment.
Back on land, we set out for Baton Rouge. We were staying with true Louisianers: Tricia's boyfriend's brother's wife's parents. They had learned that we'd never tried crawfish, so they made us a local dish of pasta tossed with crawfish and bread stuff with melted cheese. We also compared Louisiana strawberries with California strawberries (Louisiana grows sweeter fruit). Tricia and I helped with the salad by tearing lettuce. We didn't stop until we'd done all the lettuce, ending up with a heaping bowl of salad. Finally, we had chocolate pudding for dessert. Yummy.
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